Highlight Vault

Finally, a single place for your highlights. Highlight Vault is where you collect your book highlights.

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Your book overview
Import Easily

Directly from the Kindle app, share your highlights with [email protected], and Highlight Vault will do the rest.

Revisit Often

Start really using your highlights. Remember key points from all your books.

Sync to Notion

Do you keep everything in Notion? Highlight Vault automatically syncs your highlights to Notion.

Export from Kindle App


The Highlight Vault can read the Kindle iPhone app export (HTML) and the Kindle export (CSV), sent via email to [email protected]. The video on the left is showing how easy it is on the Kindle iPhone app.

After reading the highlights, it will add more context (cover, number of pages, average rating, and more) about the book by googling it. The book with its highlights is then added to your account.
Good question! I'm an avid reader that takes a ton of highlights & notes, and it's hard to revisit those highlights every so often. Kindle has a different interface than Kobo or other readers. I wanted a place where I could have all of my highlights without too much trouble. I couldn't find it, so I built it!
Yes, you have to email the highlight export to the website. This is because Amazon and other reader vendors do not have APIs that I can use to get this information. Some reasons are about copyright, but mostly they want you to use their services.

There are other solutions like Highlight Vault on the internet, where you can download a browser extension to export your highlights. I believe this method via email is the easiest possible way, all manageable from your phone or Kindle.
Currently, only Kindle highlight exports are supported. Both via the Kindle iPhone app and via the export on the Kindle itself. I'm looking to expand this to more readers soon. Let me know what reader you'd like to see supported.
Yep! I built this because I wanted to use it. Some friends wanted to use it, so it's public! If you like it, you can support me with the hosting costs with this button: